Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Arrival of Cold Weather: Tuesday's Post

We experienced our first snowfall of the season on Saturday, and I sprang into action. 

I headed into the kitchen, turned on the oven and made the first batch of pumpkin bread. The smell of pumpkin and cloves, ginger, allspice, and cinnamon filled the house. Such a cozy aroma.

I've practiced the S's: Slippers, socks, shawls, and sweaters, making the switch from summer clothes to fall and winter ones. Coats and hats and gloves and boots are ready as needed, as well. 

Don't forget the other important S's: slow simmering soups and stews with a side of hearty bread.  

I've filled one of my green depression glass jars with a selection of tea and another one with chocolate for hot cocoa. Candles have been located in strategic places to add to a cozy atmosphere during reading times, and throws are folded over the backs of chairs for added warmth. How grateful I am for a reliable furnace and the ability to pay heating bills throughout the months of cold. 

I've noticed how the rituals of the day have shifted. 

Now, instead of plugging in the small fountain that all summer long rested on top of a trunk in the garret, its gurgling water sounds making me feel cooler on the hottest of days, I turn on the twinkle lights around the window overlooking the backyard. They warm and welcome me to the darkness of the garret each morning. I keep a lamp or two lit all day now, and when I move into the kitchen to fix dinner, I stop and turn on the hanging light in the entryway and the lamp in the bedroom.  

Bruce has been busy for days preparing the gardens for the long winter's sleep. He covered the patio furniture and dismantled my sanctuary space called "Paris," and rearranged his garage workshop area, creating room for the cars. 

We are ready. Perhaps there will still be some warm, more fall-like days when I can stroll the neighborhood wearing a sweater, rather that coat and gloves. Maybe there will still be a day when I can leave the front door open and let the sun pour in. I would love some days of autumn magic, shuffling through leaves and appreciating all the pumpkins of the doorsteps, but if that isn't to be, I will adjust. 

After all, there is always another book to read, another page to turn, another sentence to write, another hour to relish the silence. 

And I imagine, there will be another slice of pumpkin bread to eat. 

An Invitation
Are you ready to move into the next season? Of the year? Of your life? I would love to know.


  1. I am so sorry you've had snow already! We are enjoying some nice fall weather here in northeastern IL, though I have to admit, the longer evenings are just not my thing. I saw something online today from one of the weather channels that in just a couple of weeks with the time change, that the sun will be setting at 4:45. I wanted to cry. I naturally crave a lot of light and sunshine. The long, dark evenings make me feel so tired and lazy. I'm falling asleep on the couch at 7 pm!

    I do have twinkle lights up already in my living room and I also baked pumpkin bread yesterday for the first time this season.

    1. I know I am not the norm when it comes to enjoying the winter cold and dark and understand the challenges faced by many. It sounds as if you are doing the best you can.


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