Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Creating Space: Tuesday's Reflection

Sometimes what I need is space. 

Some emptiness. 

The past week was a full one.

 Taking my Dad out for lunch and a "leaf tour," 
 Meeting with clients,
 Teaching T'ai Chi,
 Sitting with a dear friend at the hospital while her husband had open heart surgery,
 Having lunch at our house with one of my writing groups, 
 Enjoying lunch with friends who had just returned from the civil rights tour we went on a year ago, 
 Attending the middle school play to support our grandson who was the Sound Crew,
 AND, officiating at a wedding. The first time I have done that and what joy, what fun that was! 

Of course, there were all the normal bits and pieces of day-to-day life, too. Doing the laundry. Grocery shopping and meal fixing. Responding to emails. Writing my posts for this blog. Running errands. 

Now first let me say, there were so many gifts during the week, and how grateful I am for this rich life and for the privilege of being with friends and family in both the ordinary and the exceptional times of the their lives. But I admit I was a bit weary as we headed off to church Sunday morning. 

What I needed was some space. Some open space. 

So what did I do?

I cleaned the garret. I suppose I could have put my feet up and read the newspaper or a book or even napped, but that wasn't quite what I needed. I needed to see open space. Some emptiness. I needed to at least give myself the illusion that not everything is packed to the brim. 

Cleaning and reorganizing does that for me. 

The result? Four empty drawers in the garret, an empty shelf and two empty baskets. A very full garbage bag.

AND a heart and mind open to whatever fills the coming days. 

An Invitation
How do you clear the space? I would love to know. 

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