Friday, May 29, 2020

Deep Pain in Minnesota

I live in St Paul, Minnesota. Our home is just across the river from Minneapolis. The murder of George Floyd occurred not far from where we live, and the destructive, painful responses are in our loop of life. 

One of the Targets looted was the Target where I shop.

I heard sirens all through the night, and wondered what I would see, what I would learn when I woke in the morning.

And now I wonder how do we move forward? How do we heal? How do we change? How do we become the people we were created to be and how do we create a society, a culture that reflects who we were created to be? 

I do not have words, but I have a need to find the words that will drive my actions. 

Here's a beginning--from Thomas Merton.

            You do not need to know precisely what is 
             happening or exactly where it is all going.
             What you need is to recognize the possibilities
             and challenges offered by the present moment,
             and to embrace them with courage, faith, and

George Floyd was not allowed to breathe. It is our job now to breathe a new breath of life. 

An Invitation
Please pray for us. 


  1. We better add "love" to courage, faith and hope. In my OP pinion, without love we are destined to perpetuate the fear that created the situation in the first place.

  2. The above comment is from me, Mary Yates. Sorry about the typo. Not sure why it didn't post my name. Colette and I have heavy hearts. The good people in Minnesota don't deserve this. It's not who you are. Blessings. Stay safe and healthy.


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