Thursday, February 6, 2020

Change of Scene: Thursday’s Reflection

Sometimes a change of scenery is a good thing. 

Yesterday I packed up my laptop and a copy of the chapter I am currently working on for my memoir and headed out to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. The dining room where I set up my temporary desk has big windows looking out on an area of bird feeders. The gymnastics of the squirrels and the intimidation of the invading turkey flock as they competed for the fallen birdseed was entertaining--and distracting!

But the real joy on this cold winter day was walking into the  main building and seeing the displays of spring flowers. In Minnesota this is definitely rushing the season, but oooh, the happy colors and the variety of blooms. The beauty and the creativity.

These displays seem like a collaboration between God the original creator and the artistry of those who grew, tended, and arranged these flowers for our delight. 

I thought about Desmond Tutu's call for each of us to be a life artist--to create lives of beauty. Sometimes that means creating a work of art--a painting, a poem, a dance, a song or maybe a home or a garden. Our relationships. Our actions--how we respond to the cares and woes of the world and sometimes, make brave decisions.

As I have mentioned, my word for the year is fullness, and it seems to me that to "fully inhabit one's life" is to create a life of beauty. My hope is that I can bring my full self to whatever I do. When I am able to do that, I am living a life of fullness, a life that approaches wholeness. 

An Invitation
In what ways are you a life artist? I would love to know. 

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