Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Entry to the New Year: Tuesday's Reflections

My plan for this first post of 2016 was to offer inspiration for entering the new year. Perhaps a meditation to use in this first week or thoughts about setting intentions for the new year. However, I find I am creeping into the new year. Actually, I am sniffling and coughing. 

Normally, putting away the Christmas decorations energizes me to do a thorough cleaning of the whole house, noting places and tasks to do soon in the new year. Usually, my thank you notes are written by this time, along with follow-up notes to some of the letters we received in Christmas cards. Not this year. 

I relish the process of envisioning intentions for the coming year. Where and how do I most want to spend my time and energy? What is pulling on my heart? I often reread the past year's journals and spend time sitting quietly thinking about what has given pleasure and how I have experienced growth. That may yet happen, but it is hard for clarity to occur when one is in the midst of a coughing fit. 

I shared with my writing group last week what I hope will be my motto this year, "Avec vous ecrit aujourd'hui?" Have you written today? The answer so far is "no," except for this post and some of my thank you notes and a few emails along the way. 

This is not the way I hoped to start the new year. 

But so be it. 

The coughing will end, and a solid night's sleep will return. I will feel more myself soon, and then I will create my own new year. 

In the meantime, I am grateful for the sun that has been shining lately, for the memories of a wonderful holiday, and for the awareness that this less than full speed ahead state is temporary. 

An Invitation
How has your entry into the new year been? In what ways can you make each day a new year? I would love to know. 


  1. I have started the new year with a low-key version of the flu—not enough to put me in bed, but bad enough to slow me down. So my entry into 2016 lacks spark and intention! It will come, however...I trust.

  2. It will come, but maybe in little bitty pieces. No worries--we have a whole year ahead of us.


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